Monday 5 November 2012

Potato Saffron Omelet

Cook Time: 45 minutes

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: one hour


two giant onions, chopped fine
five Tablespoons olive oil
three russet (baking) potatoes (about 1-1/2 pounds)
1/4 teaspoon saffron threads
1/4 cup chicken broth
6 giant eggs
1/2 cup thinly sliced scallion greens


In a 12-inch non-stick skillet cook onions in two tablespoons oil over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until golden, about twenty minutes. Transfer onions to a bowl & chilled.

While onions are cooking, peel potatoes & cut in to 1/2-inch cubes. In a saucepan of boiling salted water cook potatoes until  tender, about 8 minutes, & drain well in a colander. Chilled potatoes & add to onions. Onion & potato mixture may be made one day ahead & chilled, covered.

Crumble saffron threads in to a small metal bowl. In a small saucepan heat broth until hot & pour over saffron. Let mixture stand until softened, about five minutes.

In a giant bowl whisk together eggs, scallion greens, saffron mixture, & salt & pepper to taste & stir in onion & potato mixture.

In skillet heat remaining three tablespoons oil over moderately high heat until hot but not smoking & add egg mixture, spreading potatoes evenly. Reduce heat to moderate & cook omelet, stirring occasionally, until eggs start to set, about one minute. Shift skillet so that fourth of omelet is directly over middle of burner & cook one minute. Shift skillet three more times, cooking remaining fourths in same manner. Middle skillet & cook omelet over low heat until  set, about four minutes more.

Slide omelet, bottom side down, onto a baking sheet & invert omelet back in to skillet. Cook other side of omelet until golden, about four minutes. Slide omelet onto a platter & chilled to room temperature. Omelet may be made one day ahead & chilled, covered. Bring omelet to room temperature before serving.

Cut omelet in to wedges.

Yield: 8 to ten servings as part of a tapas buffet

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