Wednesday 28 November 2012

Herbed Yogurt Soup

Total Time: twenty minutes

Prep Time: twenty minutes


ten fl ounces (275 ml/1-1/4 cups) semi-skimmed milk
15 fl ounces (425 ml/2 cups) natural yoghurt
five fl ounces (150 ml/2/3 cup) Greek-type yoghurt or smetana
one medium cucumber
one small bunch of radishes
two Tablespoons chives
two heaped Tablespoons dill leaves or one heaped Tablespoon chopped parsley
two sprigs fresh tarragon
Small bunch of young mint leaves
1/2 teaspoon salt
ten grinds of black pepper


In a giant jug or lipped bowl, gently stir together the milk and yoghurts (or smetana, if used). Peel the cucumber and cut in to matchsticks. Trim the radishes and slice very thinly. Snip chives and dill or parsley and chop tarragon and mint. Stir all these in to the yoghurt mixture, together with the salt and pepper, cover and refrigerate until well chilled. Stir before serving.

Keeps three days under refrigeration. Do not freeze.

Yield: 6 servings

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