Wednesday 16 January 2013

Sliced Layer Potatos


1 huge jacket potato
one onion
Garlic powder
Lots of grated cheese
one vegetable stock cube
Mixed herbs


one. Peel the potato & then slice thinly
two. Chop the onion & soften with butter in a pan
two. Place layer of potatoes in a small casserole dish
three. On top of this layer put a pinch of salt, pepper, mixed herbs as well as a spoonful of onions. Cheese is also optional.
four. Continue with further layers until the top. Leave space for further layer..
five. Make up the stick cube & then pour in to the casserole dish until it fills up about half way.
6. Add grated cheese to the top
7. Pop in the oven on a medium temperature for around 40 mins.

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