Thursday 31 January 2013

Hot Cheese Blocks


  • 1. cheese ( of your choice)
  • 2. thin white bread ( 2 slices per person)
  • 3. toaster
  • 4. green or black olives ( optional)
  • 5. water
  • 6. toaster
  • 7. microwave


1.Toast 2 slices of bread( for 1 person)
2. Meanwhile, great cheese and add into small bowl.
3. Chop olives into quarters and take out pips.
4. Add olives to small bowl with cheese.
5. Crush together with knife and put in microwave for 5-10 seconds
6. Take toast out of toaster and put on a bread board.
7. Take olive and cheese mix and form into small, square and thin slices with knife.
8. Cut toast into the same shape and size of mix 
9. Make almost a sandwich with toast and mix
10. Do this for how many people you have.

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