Tuesday 29 January 2013

Fish Fillet


  • * 2-5 whole fishes cut into fillets (tilapia or lapu-lapu or maya-maya)
  • * oil (for frying)
  • * crumbs (depends on the size of your fillets)
  • * 2 egg whites
  • * 1/2 melted butter
  • * 1 small can evaporated milk (any brand)
  • To marinate:
  • * 5-9 pcs of calamansi
  • * salt
  • For the dip:
  • * 1 small mayonnaise (any brand)
  • * parsley
  • * onions (chopped)
  • * salt and sugar


  • 1. Marinate the fillets in a bowl with the calamansi juice and salt leave it for 30 mins.
    2. Prepare the crumbs in a separate plate.
    3.Combine the egg whites, melted butter and the evaporated milk then mix it and place beside the crumbs. Leave it for a while
    4. Ready a pot with hot oil.
    5. Each fillets needs to be wrapped with the 1st container (egg white-butter-milk) then roll it on the crumbs then slowly dropped it on the sizzling oil
    6. Just drop 2-3 fillets on the pot to cook well. Wait until golder brown
    7. Prepare your dip! Just combine all the ingredients....

    Know you have your crispy fillets with a wonderful dip!

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