Wednesday 9 January 2013

Rainbow Salad


one vegetable stock cube.
one green bell pepper.
one yellow bell pepper.
one red bell pepper.
Loose sweetcorn.
one large tomato.
Spring onion (optional).


Make a vegetable stock by adding your vegetable stock cube to water, & mixing.
Pour this over your chosen amount of cous cous, & leave to soak in a flavour.
Wash all of your vegetables in a colander.
De-seed & slice all of your bell peppers, & put in a bowl to side.
Slice your tomato & put in the bowl also.
Add sweet corn to the bowl.
Chop your spring onion & add to the bowl.
Stir your cous cous & make definite the stock is soaked in. Now add your bowl of vegatables to the cous cous & mix in evenly.
Served best cold, with meat/fish of your choice.
Portions depend on amount of cous cous used.

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