Friday 3 August 2012

Steamed Rice With Creamy Vegitables


2 teacups Chinese steamed rice
ten massive cauliflower or broccoli pieces
8 to ten kid corn
one sliced capsicum
one teacup sliced carrot (parboiled)
one spring onion
one cucumber, sliced diagonally
one level tablespoon cornflour
1/2 teacup milk
two pinches sugar
two tsp black pepper pwdr
two tsp soysauce
two tablespoons oil
salt to taste

For Serving:
Hot Sauce


Heat the oil in a wok on a high flame. Add the califlower, kid corn, capsicum, carrots, spring onion, cucumber & stir fry over a high flame for two minutes.
Mix the milk, cornflour & 1/2 cup of water. Add to the vegetables & cook for one minute. If the minxture is thick, add a tiny more water.
Add the sugar & salt & cook for a couple of minutes.
Serve as it is topped with chilli sauce.
Serve hot with steamed rice.

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