Thursday 26 July 2012

Carrot Creamy Soup


3 cups water
1/2 cup chopped onions
two tbsp brown sugar
one tsp curry powder
one 1/2 cup milk
four cups carrots, thinly sliced
two garlic cloves, minced
1/8 tsp ground ginger
green onions orchives, chopped (for garnish)


In a massive sauce pan bring water to boil.
Add all the ingredients, except green onions and milk.
Reduce heat and simmer for 40-45 minutes, or until carrots and onions are very tender.
Remove from heat and pour mixture in to food processor or blender to puree; return to sauce pan.
Reduce to low heat and stir in milk, heating until warm but not boiling.
Serve warm.
If desired garnish with chopped green onions orchives.

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